It was an honor to be introduced at the fund-raising gathering by Chaparral-creator Jim Hall; he was as elegant and soft-spoken as ever, and talked about once driving the 1959 Sting Ray prototype that will be a part of the exhibit. To see all the cars, including videos, go to www.portlandartmuseum.org and click “Allure.”
By the event’s close, I believe we had raised another $40k towards our goal. I invite you to become an SCM Friend of Allure. Membership starts at $150 and offers a variety of benefits. To learn more, go to www.sportscarmarket.com/allure.
While in Palm Springs, I had the chance to visit good friend and long-time SCM advertiser Keith McCormick, who held his 25th annual Palm Spring Auction in February. His is a great family-business success story. His organization is easy to deal with and professional, and his reputation as a straight shooter is well earned.
On the car front, the Isetta (with its new power-enhancing transistorized ignition) will be picked up on Monday, and the Durango MG is coming home today— the GT will take its place next at Harold’s Auto Repair. The white roadster is just about done as well. Next—the shake-down cruise!
It was an honor to be introduced at the fund-raising gathering by Chaparral-creator Jim Hall; he was as elegant and soft-spoken as ever, and talked about once driving the 1959 Sting Ray prototype that will be a part of the exhibit. To see all the cars, including videos, go to www.portlandartmuseum.org and click “Allure.”
By the event’s close, I believe we had raised another $40k towards our goal. I invite you to become an SCM Friend of Allure. Membership starts at $150 and offers a variety of benefits. To learn more, go to www.sportscarmarket.com/allure.
While in Palm Springs, I had the chance to visit good friend and long-time SCM advertiser Keith McCormick, who held his 25th annual Palm Spring Auction (http://www.classic-carauction.com/) in February. His is a great family-business success story. His organization is easy to deal with and professional, and his reputation as a straight shooter is well earned.
On the car front, the Isetta (with its new power-enhancing transistorized ignition) will be picked up on Monday, and the Durango MG is coming home today— the GT will take its place next at Harold’s Auto Repair. The white roadster is just about done as well. Next—the shake-down cruise!