The sound of 45 classic British cars had barely faded into the distance when we began laying plans for next year’s SCM 1000 Classic event.
Here is what we have come up with so far: The 2022 theme will be the cars of Italy, built pre-1975. Other marques and SCM 1000 Alumni are welcome to apply. To distance it from the 2022 SCM 1000 Modern AMG Invitational in June, we are looking at starting it one week later in July. (Watch www.scm1000.com and the newsletter for details.)
Our plans are to explore the Columbia Gorge and the Oregon Coast. First of all, these areas are bound to be cooler than the convection-oven-like Oregon High Desert.
There will be one host hotel, eliminating the need to pack and repack and register each night. We have already identified four different and challenging routes leaving from the main lodge, all full of the empty, sinuous roads you have come to expect from the SCM 1000.
It will be our first chance to implement the “luxury touring concept” we believe represents the classic car tours of the future.
We are adding a day for you to use as you wish. We will drive Monday and Tuesday, then have Wednesday off, then drive Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday, we will offer self-guided tours, as well as the opportunity to enjoy local recreational opportunities including white-water rafting, visiting museums, and so forth.
At each significant stop we make, there will be docents available to help us all understand the geography and the culture of the area. In my own experience, touring in Italy, France and Argentina, I was so busy trying to cover ground that I never really got a sense of the area I was passing through.
Most evenings we will have our one-hour “Conversations with Collectors,” with one night being reserved for a What’s My Car Worth-style examination and valuation of a couple of cars on the tour. If your area of expertise is relevant and you would like to participate, please email me at [email protected].
In short, we will continue to offer a first-rate driving experience, limited to 45 cars, along with a schedule and itinerary that is more partner-friendly than our events have been in the past.
And to answer the most important question: Yes, there will be beer and wine served in the parking area with the cars each night for tire-kicking, tale-telling and socializing.

Sounds like a plan! Thanks Keith for all the fun this year. I think Tony and I were the first ones to wear the F off our fun meters. Next year, it would be great if we could load the routes onto an app. It can be difficult for navigators dealing with eye issues (get the background from Neil) to read on the go.
Thanks again for everyones’ efforts to show us some of the most beautiful roads in the Union.