Here we go: a week of auctions, over 2,500 cars for sale, and thousands of bidders and spectators. It’s Arizona time, and as you read this, the ACC team is on our way to the Valley of the Sun to cover this year’s events as they happen. Arizona is one […]
This Week’s Classic Mystery Photo
“Business in the front…party in the back.” — Cody Wilson, via Facebook The monthly Mystery Photo has been an SCM tradition for 25 years. Each week, we’ll share one of our “greatest hits” photos from the past and give you a chance to provide a new witty and provocative caption. […]
Keith’s Blog: Portland to London to Scottsdale and Home Again
It’s that time of year, when we start racking up frequent-flyer miles. We’re also buying a few more lottery tickets like those from this situs togel resmi terpercaya so that after we win we can put a Gulfstream G650 into the SCM corporate hangar. While we’re at it, we’ll buy […]
This Week’s Classic Mystery Photo
“After being discharged from the RAF, Frank Whittle relieved his boredom by tinkering with a recovered secret Messerschmitt prototype. In the process, he invented drag racing, the “rail”, the flame paint job, and [Michael May and Jim Hall notwithstanding] became the first to mount a wing on a groundbound vehicle.” […]
Jim’s Blog — Here Comes Scottsdale!
It’s a new year, and the car season is about to get fired up in a big way. The annual Scottsdale auctions in January — Barrett-Jackson, Gooding, RM, Bonhams, Russo and Steele, and Silver — typically offer over 2,500 cars combined. Last year saw over 2,200 of them sell for […]
Keith’s Blog: New Year’s Resolutions For a Car Collector
As we wait for the ball to drop in Times Square, it’s a good time to reflect on all the good, bad and insanely stupid things we’ve done in the name of car collecting this past year, and how we might become better collectors in the future. Here are my […]
Keith’s Blog: Up on the Rooftop 1-2-3, an SWB is Waiting for Me!
Tonight Santa circumnavigates the globe, leaving presents for young and old everywhere. To make sure that car collectors aren’t left out of his munificence, on behalf of all of you, we’re sending this to him via SCM email express. Dear Santa: We’ve all been good little boy and girl collectors […]
This Week’s Classic Mystery Photo
“I don’t think this is what Virgil Exner had in mind when he came up with the Forward Look.” — John Lyons The monthly Mystery Photo has been an SCM tradition for 25 years. Each week, we’ll share one of our “greatest hits” photos from the past and give you […]
Jim’s Blog: The Best Buys of 2013
Every issue of ACC includes five best buys — the cars our staff consider to be the best deals in each issue. For me, one of the best parts of reading the magazine is trying to pick the cars I would have bought had I been standing among the bidders […]
Keith’s Blog: We Don’t Have Headlights!
The fettling of the Sprint begins We were just outside Corbett, Oregon, driving SCM’s 1958 Giulietta Sprint at 70 mph. It was pitch black and 30 degrees outside. I reached over to twist the dash-mounted heater fan rheostat, heard a pop from the fuse block and suddenly everything was dark. Gone […]