They think the 49ers are the original gold diggers. That the Rose Bowl is a retail flower store. That a touchdown is something that could be cause for a sexual harassment suit. Or at least that’s what they profess…
They–are the anti-football drivers who will take to the back roads on January 1, 2007, ignorant of college football games on TV but knowing in every hair pin turn from Sausalito to Tomales and back.
The 17th annual Anti-Football Drive begins at Poggio restaurant ( 777 Bridgeway) in Sausalito at 8:00 AM for coffee and route directions for points north.
Qualified cars are those that by general agreement would be called “interesting” and be at least 25 years old. “We’re looking for a few Alfas from the ‘50s, perhaps a 1941 Packard Super 8, and a handful of cars that recall happy memories and induce a few smiles,” says organizer Martin Swig. “We really have nothing against –is it called football? We’re simply making a statement that there’s more to life than a 70-inch HDTV with colorful images of people running into each other.”
The tour will start promptly at 9:00 AM–rain or shine–for a four-hour drive, concluding at Poggio for lunch and a car display.
The nonprofit event contributes nothing to charity, does not send kids to camp nor support an old drivers’ home. Says Swig, “Everything we take in goes out for the enjoyment of our participants–usually at a rate that exceeds income.”
For more information:
Martin Swig 4l5 479-9950 or Ron Wren 4l5-433-1040.