Jeff Cobb has canceled the 2011 Live Oak Concours d’Elegance, which was scheduled for April 15 through 17 in Baton Rouge, LA.
Cobb has asked Sports Car Market to publish the following letter:
Dear friends and family, I sadly-yet happily decided yesterday that putting on my 2011 Live Oak Concours would be way too difficult for me to do. Because of my very sad and difficult separation, my dynamic upcoming emotional divorce from the love of my life and the reason for my show, Luci.
Much heart- and mind-wrenching thought went into canceling my fine show. This show is my baby. My heart and soul hurt too much, this divorce is taking so much out of me-and yet I must take care of my personal life before I can create and give all of you a fine event. I have been at my full wit’s end trying to figure out how to continue with my event. I cannot handle it. My original purpose for doing my show has been shattered. Time to establish new priorities and I will.
I would rather let you, my friends, down now instead of giving you a substandard event. My car/cancer benefit has great promise, and it and you deserve only the best. Nowadays, I am not at my best. I am sorry.
I will use my plans, great ideas and worldly contacts in a few months to create a wonderful show for 2012. By then life will have re-centered itself, and I can then regain my focus.
Thanks for reading and please be ready for the 2012 event.
Your friend, Jeff Cobb