What do you see when you look at the car pictured above? Do you see a GTO that’s at the end of its lifespan, or do you see a promising project? Is this just scrap value, or is this the beginning of months (or years) of work in a shop and a well-earned finished project?
Car people tend to have a different take on stuff like this than most. I’ve known about the GTO in question for years now. It sits not far from where my father used to work outside of Portland, OR — and it’s a real ’69 GTO that was originally a 4-speed car. It’s owned by a guy who has kept it as a project for over 30 years now, but like a lot of projects, it’s never moved past the storage phase.
Dreamers love stuff like this, but this car forces its owner to face harsh reality. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done with any project, and most of the time, that work ends up costing much more than the value of the finished product — especially if you’re paying labor rates. This one needs floors, the engine and trans are missing, and the rear axle is in three pieces in the front seat. Regardless of who does the work, this one is going to cost a lot of money.
But that’s not why most car people get involved with projects in the first place. I suppose it all comes down to where you, as an individual, find your entertainment. Is it in building a car, owning a car, or both?
Would I try to bring this thing back? You bet I would.
How about you?