The highly viewed TV series “What’s My Car Worth?” on Discovery HD Theater is coming to Fall Carlisle! Host Keith Martin will be joined by Mark Hyman, Peter Klutt and Donnie Gould, and this time we’ll be buying cars, cutting checks on camera, right there on the set. If you would like a chance to appear in the show and sell your car on camera, this is it!
Mark and Peter are two of the best collector car dealers around, and Donnie is our man from Auctions America, ready to consign your car if you’re up for the auction block.
We’re looking for the following cars:
-Pre-war American Classics
-‘50s and ‘60s American, especially convertibles
-European sports cars from the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s
-Muscle cars of all flavors
-Late-model exotics: Vipers, Corvettes, Ferraris, Porsches and more
We can only put so many cars on camera, and when we last did this at the Charlotte Autofair, our slots filled up fast.
If you’d like to have us try to buy your car, for cash, on camera, at Fall Carlise, please send us information about your car, make, model, and anything else you think we should know, to [email protected]. Make a note in the subject that you’re emailing about Carlisle and we’ll be sure to get in touch with you.
The new season of “What’s My Car Worth?” premieres this Sunday, September 18th at 9:00 pm ET. Be sure and tune in!
Roger Williams
Executive Producer, “What’s My Car Worth”